Monday, November 8, 2010

Sleepover with Aunt V

Hey Furiends...

It's Oakley here. This weekend, my brother and I got to have sleepover with our Aunt V. Well actually, I should say, Aunt V had a sleepover with us. Mom had to go out of town over night and Aunt V dog-sat us. It was the first night we had been away from Mom, so we were excited and happy that she stayed with us. The weather was rainy on Sunday so we spent most of our time inside relaxing.

But today I got to go on a special trip with Aunt V to her house and visit her Grandma. We call her Gordy. Gordy loves me. She says I'm her favorite dog in the whole world.

Gordy and Aunt V's house is big. Well compared to the department, er I mean apartment, where my brother and I live, there was tons of room to wander around and explore. Too bad the paparazzi was following me or I could have gotten into some good mischief. I came across this HUGE white polar bear. I think it was lost. But I scared him off. I told him these were MY parts. (Okay Aunt V said it was a stray cat. Whatever.) I continued my hunt...

Is this a x-mas tree? Oh. I thought cactus only grew in deserts.

Hmm what's that over there?

Whoa! Who's that handsome devil?

After I thoroughly checked out everything, I was pretty tired. Aunt V brought me inside and I enjoyed one of my favorite things. A sun nap.

Ahh. When the sun hits your fur it's the best.

It was starting to get late ...
...and we had to go home to check on Swisher and wait for Mom to come home. We' were super excited that Mom was coming home, so we waited for her by the window that way we could see when she got here.

Thankfully Mom arrived home shortly after and safely. AAAAAAAND she brought PIZZA!!! OMD we love Mom! Missed you Mom!

Hope everyblogger had a wonderful weekend.

Lots of Licks,


  1. Oh Oakley, what a fun adventure you had while Mommy was away! I can't believe you saw a Polar Bear! BOL! That yard had tons of interesting stuff to sniff out!
    I like sun naps too.....they are my favorite!

    Eat some pizza for me please!

  2. What a great weekend!
    And pizza too???!!

  3. Oakley what a fun time. We need to take a nap after all that excitment!

    Tuni and Sequoia
