OMDogness do I look mad in this picture? Well that's because I am, I don't know if it's our internet or blogger but we are having such a hard time posting and commenting on our friends blogs lately. Blogger needs to stop being a pain in the butt!
Anyways, now for our regularly scheduled post. First up is Awards we got awhile back and have taken us forever to post.
The terms for this award are to share 5 things we like to do.
Swisher's List:
1. I like to eat!
2. I like to sleep on my sleeping bag.
3. I like to bark my head off at the gardner.
4. I like to water plants.
5. I like to snore really loud.
Oakley's List:
1. I like to cuddle with humans on the couch.
2. I like to play with my brother.
3. I like to chase tennis balls.
4. I like to chew on nylabones.
5. I like to snore REALLY loud.
We would like to pass on these awards to any blog buddy who doesn't have them yet.
So as you may have read a few posts ago we are playing Paw it Forward. So our mom did some shopping and we are sending a package to our buddy Mack and his sisters. We won't show everything we are sending so that they will be surprised and they can blog about it.
In our local weekly paper they had this cute doggy on the cover with the title "Feed the Need". Mom picked it up to read the article, but there wasn't really an article to read. Inside the paper they chose about 70 non-profit community organizations that need help raising money especially in these hard times. The organization acquainted with the cover picture was Animal Friends Rescue Project. They are a non-profit organization that helps animals. The paper is accepting donations and whichever organization we choose to donate to they will match our donation. So as part of our Paw it Forward we are donating some $$ to AFRP so that doggies without a home will be safe this holiday season. She was glad the paper decided to put this cute guy on the cover because as it got her attention she knows it will grab others and all the organizations will hopefully get the help they need.

After getting our packages together we did a little Christmas decorating. We have a little tree because mom says she doesn't trust us with a big one. How rude! We have our stockings up with our names on them. This way Santa Paws can fill them up with the good stuff we each like.
We are sorry about the LOOONG post but since we have blogger cooperating we must take advantage.
We hope everyone is having a great week.
Lots of Licks--
Swisher and Oakley
We loves the tree with yours stockings. And you two are so sweet sending money to helps the hungrys dogs! Thanks.
ReplyDeleteYou are hysterical. You do look mad! BOL
ReplyDeleteBenny & Lily
Mom says blogger can be a pain in the "you know what"! it needs to straighten out!
ReplyDeleteWe loved your blog!
Congratualtions on all your awards!
And we are so happy your mom came across that newspaper with the article in it!
It was ment to be.
You are both so adorable in your pictures- can i give you each a pug kiss!
ReplyDeleteThat is a great picture and I have to admit you look mad and I hope blogger sees it!
I didn't get too many on my Paw it Foward either! I do love it though!
I hope you have a better day tomorrow!
Swish, buddy.....whoa, remind me not tuh pee YOU off! You look FIERCE I tell ya what!
ReplyDeleteNice tree ya got there. Too bad ya can't lift yer leg just a little higher.......
Yum! Fish!
ReplyDeleteBut my Pops won't let me eat much fish because he says my breath really stinks after that.
Hope your Blogger/Internet kicks back into gear soon!
you two have such kind hearts.....and are soooo adorable.
ReplyDeletehere's my first pug kiss
Oh. My. Dog. Did you say Sweet Potato??? Because that is our all time favorite!!!
ReplyDeleteYou guys are so sweet!
Take care!!
Furry nice Christmas decorations and very nice paw it forward gifts!!!
Mmmmm.... Natural Balance treats - I do some of my very best jumping for those!! Gotta love PIF!! Cute little tree! Think I'm gonna tell mom she needs to get me my own tree too!!
Brutus the Frenchie
Hi guys! Aw I love that pic of Swish at the top! Such a great idea to send $ for doggies in need, you are very sweet. Congrats on your awards, and I love your tree and stockings!
Thanks for the super cool P-I-F pressies !!
ReplyDeleteSwisher, just you send your mad pic to blogger and they will be afraid, very
ReplyDeleteHiya guys. We emailed you our address so we can exchange Christmas cards.
ReplyDeleteAnd we LOVE LOVE LOVE Natural Balance sweet potato and fish. That's what we get to eat.