What's up Everyblogger...
'Tis I, Swisher... boy did we have a weekend full of fun activities that I wanna share with all of you... but first...
Guess who turned the big number cinco on friday? Yup, that would be me! I am a whopping 5 years old, and don't look a day over 4. Bol. Yes, Mom made me wear the infamous and annoying birthday cone hat, but I was all smiles for it because I knew it only meant good things were to come. Mom said we could keep up with tradition and ordered Pizza and Wings for us to grub on. My FAVORITE! (chicken wings, NOT the Detroit Red Wings. Although I wouldn't mind nom'ing on some of those wings either. Bol.)
No birthdays are without presents!...

First present is from Aunt V. Started off with the card.
How appropriate, it's a pug with a shark fin! (Aunt V added the San Jose Shark logo. So creative.)
That water looked so refreshing I had to make sure it wasn't real.Bones. Stuffie Bones! Pawesome!

She bought two. One for my brother. If I feel like it, maybe I'll share with him. I'll let him sweat it out a bit. Bol.
::side note from Oak:: While Swisher is not looking, I'm gonna sneak away with this...
Oh but that's not it, Aunt V threw in some cookies! They're in different shapes. Fire hydrants, dog bowls, bones and paws. Super cool!

Next present is from Mom and Oak.

Oakley got me a card...

...watta guy. Gotta love a little brother.
::sniff sniff:: What's in there?
Oh pawesome!! Another stuffie, just for ME!

Mom knows these toys are some of my favorites. I love the toys that make the crinkle noises inside. Who's with me?
::sniff sniff:: I smell something delicious...TREATS! Omd! This bag is full of good things. Preztles. Teddy bears. And cream filled COOKIES!

I had a wonderful birthday. The only thing that could make it any better is if the San Jose Sharks beat the Detroit Red Wings tonight in game 5. Hmmm... Game 5, I turned 5.. that just might be a sign right there. Let's go Shaaaaarks!!!

Also, Oakley and I would like to give a special Thank You to our Mom. She's a great Mother. Always takes care of us whenever we're in need, and even when we're not. She gives us unconditional love each and everyday and she's super special to us. Thanks Mom. You're da bestest! We wuff you!

Happy Mother's Day to all the lovely doggy and kiddie Moms out there! You all are Pawesome!
Lot's of Licks,