We had never seen ducks this up close before. We thought they were funny looking. They were also making funny noises. Squacking and hissing at us!
Aunt V took us off leash to explore a little. And Swisher started chasing the ducks for hissing at him. Bol. I don't think they liked that very much.
Swish didn't read that 'no water contact' sign before heading towards the water, so back on leash we went.
I tried to tell them I was a friendly Boston and I wouldn't hurt them,
and just wanted to hand them bread crumbs... but no luck. They kept
their distance.
Not all the ducks were unfriendly though. Cautiously some of them would come up pretty close to us...
...and a few of them ate right out of our hands. (Well Aunt V's hands. Bol.)

We followed the near by trails for a hike.
It was pretty warm out and Swisher was already out of breath from all the excitement from the ducks.
Swish, there's a bench up ahead. C'mon dude you can make it.
We rested a bit and headed back to the car.
On our way back to the car, we came across this sign.
Don't feed the ducks? Ooooops. Bol.
Hope everyone had a nice Memorial Day Weekend!
Lots of licks,
Oakley and Swisher