Wednesday, September 30, 2009
Tuesday, September 29, 2009
Annoying Commercial
Hey everybody, Oak and Swish here, hope everyone is having a great week so far. Monday is over it can only get better from here on out. We wanted to share something with you that drives us crazy in our house (especially our mom). Usually most shows we watch in our house we can fast forward through commercials, gotta love DVR. But with football you have to watch live TV and there is this new commercial that they have to play about a billion times during Monday night football. We go CRAZY every time it's on and Swisher almost knocks over the TV. Has anyone else had the same experience with this commercial? (If you press play now and your dog is in the room you may find out exactly what we're talking about)
Thursday, September 24, 2009
The other night our human mom came home with a bag from Petco, we were excited we thought we were either getting some new toys or treats. But to our dismay there were two neckties in the bag. We asked mom WHAT is with you and ties. She told us she thinks we look like little gentleman with ties on and blah blah blah. We tried to argue that the Boston Terrier is known as the "American Gentleman" so no ties needed. She didn't buy our excuses, so we came to a compromise; we would let her post a few pics of us wearing them as long as she didn't make us wear them out in public.
She also threw in a few treats so we had to oblige, but only after we gave her some eye rolling.
Do your humans torture you with dorky clothes?
Lots of Licks,
Oak and Swish
Tuesday, September 22, 2009
Attention all blog buddies
Hi everyone, our mom is making us post today asking if anyone would be willing to help us out with a little project. Mom has a cousin who is in the 2nd grade; in her class they read the book Flat Stanley. It's about a boy who is flattened by a bulletin board. He enjoys many adventures while being flattened like being sent in the mail.

Their class is doing a project where they are mailing Stanley around to people and asking them to send a postcard to the class about his adventure with you. They are doing this to learn about the place you live so they can learn about geography.
Mom is boring and doesn't really know anyone who lives in different places in the world so she thought she'd have us ask if anyone would be willing to help. We were the first place our cousin Jazmine mailed her Stanley so we would like to send him some place pawesome. She knows our blog buddies are very creative and that they are spread out across the states which would be exciting for the kids. You can also make it about your dogs, she is! (She thinks everyone wants to know about us)
She knows people have very busy lives so if you can't its not a problem. If you would be willing to help you can pee-mail us your address to If she gets more than one person to help she will send a list along so you will have someone else to mail it to. If you can help us that'd be great. Thank you in advance.
She also thinks it great to have peoples addresses available because in a few months it will be Christmas card time. She is already trying to plan out our outfits. Last year we had to wear dorky bow ties.
Lots of Licks,
Oak and Swish
Friday, September 18, 2009
Our Football Friday Post
Wednesday, September 16, 2009
Almost Wordless Wednesday Video
Our mom made this video a lot shorter than real time. It took me forever to rescue the CUZ.
Tuesday, September 15, 2009
Monday night football...Post 2
Monday, September 14, 2009
Funny Face
Oakley and Swisher are sleeping so it's their mom here taking the opportunity to make a post. Reading all of Oak and Swish's buddies blogs I start to feel like we lack creativity over here on our blog. Well maybe not the boys' but I sure do. I would like to take over their blog once and awhile to share stories or pictures that I will call...

There are always those moments in my house where one dog is hunting a bug, crying because they trapped themselves under the kitchen table, doing the army crawl across the tv room carpet,etc. During those moments I shake my head, and just let out a sigh, wonder to myself how did I end up with these weirdos. lol. Don't get me wrong though I LOVE my weirdos. It's very late and I'm too tired to think of a really great story to capture the essence of their uniqueness so my first installment of.."my next dog will be normal", is an older picture of Oakley that just makes me laugh. Hope it does the same for everyone else.
Monday night football...

Lots of Licks--

Thursday, September 10, 2009
Another flashback-Swisher the sled puller 2007
Our last post was long and we didn't have any pictures to share with it. So we wanted to lighten things up a bit. We found this old video of Swisher being a sled puller. Maybe this is why he despises skateboards now, hmmmm? BOL. Enjoy
First time with awards.
So we are are new to the whole award thing so we hope we are doing this right.
Salinger gave us the "Oops I Ate it Award". Thank you very much Salinger we do very gladly accept the award.

Here are the rules for accepting this...
When accepting this award, you must blog about the food you have stolen when your humans were not watching…If you have never stolen any food, you must be a really good pup!! You can accept this yummy tray of cookies as your reward! Next add the logo of this award to your Blog (optional), then nominate at least 5 other furry blogs and let them know by leaving a message on their Blogs…
(our 5 pics are at the end of this post).
Well we are definitely not really good pups but we are racking our brains and we can't think of anything we have really stolen. We are definitely the kitchen vacuum and mop. We (especially Swisher) patrol the kitchen floor. If someone is cooking or eating and anything falls it is immediately inhaled unless its a vegetable. When we visit grandma or she visits us, Swisher is a grandma's boy and that is his nickname by the way. He knows that grandma will share anything with him. Cheetos, cookies, lunch meat, etc.
Swisher--The main thing I have stolen without permission that really drives mom nuts because it kinda grosses her out is chewing gum off the sidewalk during our walks. I'll pick up a nice piece and be chewing along and when mom finally hears me smacking away I have to drop it. Why else do people spit their gum out on the sidewalk if its not for my enjoyment?
Oakley--I never have really stolen any foods. Mainly because I'm just picky. If mom gives me some of her food, even something small like a piece of popcorn I have to take it to the carpet, spit it out, smell it, lick it, crumble it into tiny pieces and then eat each of them slowly. Now non food items I love, I eat dirt, leaves, sticks, and bugs. For some reason these flying creatures mom calls Skeeter Eaters love our apartment door. Whenever I see them I jump at them and catch them they are a delicious little treat.
We see that a lot of our blogger buddies already have this award so we will pass it to 1 instead of 5 and if you don't have it you can accept it from us as well. We will pass it to...
If you haven't met Archie yet he seems like a cool blog buddy to get to know so check him out.
We are also gonna thank Salinger for the award he posted to anyone who wanted it and we did. Haha, because we do think we're Pawesome.
Lots of Licks--
Oakley and Swisher
Wednesday, September 9, 2009
Tuesday, September 8, 2009
Takin' it back Tuesday~Post from Mom
Hi everyone out there in blog land. My boys and I have had so much fun reading all about your good times and sharing ours with you as well. I haven't had them post much lately because we haven't had much going on. Now that summer is winding down we are back to our normal routine, maybe they will post later this week on what our normal routine actually is but for now I named this post Takin' it back Tuesday because I was looking through an old photobucket account and found some old pictures of these guys when they were just babies and I felt like sharing them with everyone. They have grown so much it is hard to believe. I hope you enjoy the trip down memory lane as much as I did. Have a great day everyone!
Wednesday, September 2, 2009
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