Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Happy Love's Ruff Day

We just wanted to wish everyone a HAPPY LOVE'S RUFF DAY!

It's especially Ruff since our girlyfuriends, Kitty and Coco live all the way in Alabama. Just to let you know girlies know, we got your special package and we will be blogging soon about it.

But this day is also shared with my girl Coco. Today is a special day for her because it's her.... 3rd Birthday!

You don't look a day over 2 girl!

I hope when you blow out your candles, you make 3 wishes instead of one.

Lots of Birthday Licks,
Swisher.... and Oakley


  1. Happy Valentine's Day!

    Pug love from,
    Pearl & Daisy

  2. Happy Valentines Day, Happy Birthday Coco.

    loveys Sasha

  3. You guys are so cute in the V Day tee shirts! Hope you got lots of treats and lovies.

    Drools and licks,
    Minnie and Mack

  4. Thank you sweet Swisher for the Birthday wishes. Mom says that due to Valentine's Day stealing the show, I will be celebrating with a McCheesyburger and ice cream this weekend. Woo-hoo!!!! Fine with me!
    Love IS Ruff not getting to meet you boys in the fur. Sigh. But you are worth it fur sures.
    Luv luv luv you in your white and red shirts. Those are super cute on you with the stark white and all. That's right..our boys are snappy dressers.

    We got your package...Whoah doggy we were excited! Special blog for that this weekend as well. Thanks guys (and your mom for sending it)!

