We've been bad bloggers lately. We get around to commenting once and a while, but when it comes to us blogging, it's been over a month. We haven't had much going on. Mom has been taking us to the dog park a lot. Oh! But our neighbor dude did come over last weekend to be our Manny. Like our boy babysitter. Is that what you call boy babysitters? Well he's not really a boy. He's a man. But not like an old man. Just like, a dude. A cool dude. Anyway, he walked us one night when Mom and Aunt V went to an Oakland A's game (we won't get into how they didn't take us). But back to the dude, his name is Rich. Mom said it was a trial run because he's probably gonna Dude-sit us again soon for Aunt V's birthday weekend. As long as he supplies the treats, we'll be good.
But other than that we've just been doing the usual. Yesterday we went for a night walk. And not just a pee walk. A long walk. Mom said it had something to do with this new Nike Fuel Band collar that she got for her wrist and it gives you points. All we know is, if there are collars out there that will give us treats instead of points, sign us up!
It was a nice night out. Clear night sky.
Look at me running fast and my freaky eyes!
Hey there's someone next to me!
Even my shadow has pointy ears!
Gee thanks taxi for coming AFTER our walk!
It was a long walk, but a fun walk. We're up for another one.
And in better news, Mom reached her GOAL!
Way to go Mom!
Lots of licks,
Swisher and Oakley